The Role of Interlanguage in Bilingual Upbringing

Jun 23, 2024
Raising bilingual children can be challenging, especially when parents are also learning a new language and navigating their journey through what is known as “interlanguage.” This term refers to the unique, evolving linguistic system that develops in adult second-language learners. Here is some advice to help you support your children’s bilingual development while understanding your own linguistic journey:
  1. Recognize interlanguage as a natural stage. Interlanguage is a transitional linguistic system that reflects the learner’s current understanding and use of the target language. It’s a blend of elements from both the learner’s native language and the new language. This is a natural part of language acquisition, not a deficiency. Just as your children are navigating their bilingual development, you are also evolving through your interlanguage as you learn the new language.
  2. Maintain consistent language exposure. Continue speaking to your children in your native language as much as possible. This helps them develop a strong foundation and identity in that language. Encourage activities and interactions in the language of the environment, such as playdates, watching local TV shows, or participating in community events. This balanced exposure is crucial for bilingual proficiency.
  3. Foster situations where both languages are used actively. For example, ask your children to explain a concept they learned in the environment language in your native language, and vice versa. Encourage role-playing games where they need to use different languages depending on the character or scenario. This can be a fun way to practice switching between languages.
  4. Be patient with language mixing. Understand that code-switching (mixing languages) is a normal part of bilingual development. It shows that your children are using all their linguistic resources to communicate effectively. When they mix languages, gently repeat their sentence using the correct word in the appropriate language instead of directly correcting them.
  5. Leverage your interlanguage experience. Share your language learning experiences with your children. Let them see you practicing and learning the environment language. This sets a positive example and shows that learning is a continuous process. Engage in language-learning activities together, such as watching educational videos, doing language exercises, or practicing conversations in the new language.
  6. Monitor language development without anxiety. Language dominance can fluctuate based on exposure and use. Celebrate the achievements in both languages. Acknowledge efforts and successes, no matter how small, to build inner confidence.
  7. Normalize the situation and avoid jokes. It’s essential to recognize that using elements from different languages within the same sentence or situation is a common and natural part of bilingual development. This mixing of languages happens because you are using all your linguistic resources to communicate effectively. Rather than viewing this as something to be ashamed of or made fun of, understand that it’s a normal process of language acquisition. Avoid making jokes or negative comments about this mixing, as it can discourage you and create unnecessary anxiety. Instead, encourage the efforts and provide a supportive environment, explain all the people around that it is the normal process.

The journey of raising bilingual children is an opportunity for growth and learning for the entire family. Remember that language learning is a dynamic process, and both you and your children are developing valuable skills that will benefit you in the long run. The research by Selinker (1972) on interlanguage highlights that your unique linguistic system as a second-language learner is a normal and expected stage of language acquisition. By understanding and accepting this, you can foster a supportive and encouraging environment for your bilingual children.

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