How to Advocate for Your Child’s Heritage Language

Jul 09, 2024

Maintaining the heritage language within the family is a crucial topic for bilingual parents, requiring careful discussion with relatives and educators. Often, school specialists or family members who do not speak the heritage language may doubt the investment of resources and efforts in supporting bilingualism, which can be disheartening for the heritage-language-speaking parent. In such cases, it’s best to plan discussions with those who influence the child’s development and upbringing and prepare thoroughly.

First, educate yourself on the subject. Gather evidence, research, and examples demonstrating how knowing two languages positively affects a child’s cognitive development and cultural identity. Double-check the facts to ensure your arguments are based on accurate information. If you’re uncertain about data, postpone the discussion until you’re better prepared.

Learn how other families successfully support bilingualism and use their experiences as examples. This can help strengthen your position, showing that maintaining the heritage language is not only possible but beneficial.

Don’t hesitate to seek support from professionals, such as educators or psychologists, to validate your arguments and provide additional backing. Their opinions can add weight to your points and help persuade others.

Conversations about upbringing and education require a calm and attentive setting. It might be best to discuss this at a family meeting or schedule a session with teachers at a dedicated time when everyone can focus on the issue.

When you start the conversation, avoid immediate arguments if someone disagrees. Try to understand their perspective and suggest discussing the matter later, after other aspects have been considered. For instance, if someone believes that the dominant language should be the priority, propose discussing how both languages can be effectively supported.

Clearly express your goals and expectations. Explain why preserving the heritage language is important to you and how it can positively impact your child. For example, highlight how bilingualism helps your child maintain connections with relatives and their cultural heritage.

If the others insist on their viewpoints, try to address their concerns and needs. For example, convince teachers that supporting the heritage language can enhance the child’s performance in other subjects by developing their cognitive skills.

Approach these discussions in a good physical and emotional state. This helps you remain calm and confident, contributing to a more constructive dialogue. Discuss your concerns with close friends or family to gain support and an objective perspective. This can help you prepare for possible questions and objections.

By following these principles, your discussions with relatives and teachers about preserving the heritage language can be successful and constructive. A community of like-minded individuals can help you stay confident and view the development of the heritage language as a cherished life project! If you need an online teacher for your bilingual kid, contact online school Bingo to book your free trial lesson!
