Test your level of Tatar

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We suggest you complete the following knowledge test in order to better acquaint yourself with your level in Tatar, to choose a course of Tatar that is right for you, and to just pass the time.

  • Question # 1
    Tatar language has soft and hard vowels. In which word does the letter «я» have the soft pronunciation [йә]?
    • яңгыр (rain)
    • ялкын (spark)
    • ярдәм (help)
    • кыяр (cucumber)
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  • Question # 2
    In which of the following words are all the vowels hard?
    • үрдәк (duck)
    • матур (beautiful)
    • зәңгәр (blue)
    • әни (mama)
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  • Question # 3
    There is not a single word in the Tatar language starting from which of the following letters?
    • Ы
    • Ю
    • Ң
    • Ө
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  • Question # 4
    Which variant of the word “fox” below is spelled correctly in Tatar?
    • телке
    • төлке
    • төлке
    • төлке
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  • Question # 5
    Which punctuation mark in Tatar language is called “өндәү билгесе”?
    • period [or “full stop”]
    • semicolon
    • question mark
    • exclamation point
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  • Question # 6
    "Monday" in English, or this word in Tatar language:
    • дүшәмбе
    • пәнҗешәмбе
    • җомга
    • сишәмбе
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  • Question # 7
    What might you hope to do if you stop in at the “китапханә” ?
    • buy medicine
    • borrow a book
    • buy a ticket
    • see a film
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  • Question # 8
    2018 was officially named the year of Leo Tolstoy. What was Tolsoy’s profession?
    • җырчы
    • шагыйрь
    • язучы
    • рәссам
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 9
    Find the word that is opposite in meaning to «ача»
    • килә
    • чаба
    • яба
    • кайта
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  • Question # 10
    Select the appropriate word to complete the phrase: Ул дару …
    • уйлый
    • тыңлый
    • эчә
    • укый
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 11
    Choose the correct translation of «Туган тел»
    • Tatar language
    • my language
    • native language
    • foreign language
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  • Question # 12
    Find the misspelled word
    • укутучы
    • тәрәзә
    • җәйге
    • сөлге
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 13
    Find the word with voiced consonants
    • чиләк
    • барабан
    • ботка
    • дәфтәр
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  • Question # 14
    Which pair of words are opposites?
    • эре – вак
    • авыр – каты
    • салкын – суык
    • матур – чибәр
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  • Question # 15
    Which questions can be answered using verbs in the present tense?
    • нишли?, нишлибез?
    • нишләде?, нишләгән?
    • нишләр?, нишләячәк?
    • нишләсә? Нишләмәсә?
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  • Question # 16
    Find the soft vowel sound
    • а
    • о
    • ү
    • ы
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  • Question # 17
    Find the future tense verbs
    • көлде, бәйләгән
    • күрәчәк, күрер
    • килер, тапкан
    • ашый, сөйләшә
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  • Question # 18
    Which part of speech indicates a thing or object and answers the questions “who?” or “what?”.
    • исем
    • фигыль
    • сыйфат
    • алмашлык
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  • Question # 19
    Select the correct translation: “Гаилә бәйрәме” – ...
    • family friend
    • family holiday
    • school night
    • national holiday
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  • Question # 20
    Which variant is spelled correctly?
    • өченче
    • өчөнче
    • өчөнчө
    • өченчэ
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  • Question # 21
    Choose the word with soft vowels
    • дала
    • җәнлек
    • табигать
    • болыт
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  • Question # 22
    Choose the correct ending: Без- табигать... хуҗалары.
    • -нең
    • -ның
    • -тә
    • -не
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 23
    Find the correct translation of the word “янгын”
    • forest
    • fire
    • nature
    • spring
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  • Question # 24
    Complete the sentence: Җәен дә,кышын да....
    • урманга йөрергә яратабыз
    • дүртенче сыйныф укучысы
    • урманда җиләк җыябыз
    • файдалы үләннәр җыябыз
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 25
    Choose the correct translation: Табигатьне саклагыз
    • medicinal plants
    • hometown
    • protect nature
    • protect the forest
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  • Question # 26
    Which sentence is constructed with the proper word order?
    • Табигатьне зыян китермәгез
    • Зыян китермәгез табигатькә
    • Табигатькә зыян китермәгез
    • Китермәгез зыян табигатьне
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  • Question # 27
    Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Укытучы безгә Татарстанның Кызыл китабы турында ..... .
    • карады
    • ашады
    • барды
    • сөйләде
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  • Question # 28
    Choose the correct ending: Без - табигать.... яратабыз.
    • -нең
    • -ның
    • -тә
    • -не
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