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We suggest you complete the following knowledge test in order to better acquaint yourself with your level in սլովեներեն, to choose a course of սլովեներեն that is right for you, and to just pass the time.

  • Question # 1
    Jana in Petra ______ sestri.
    • so
    • smo
    • ste
    • sta
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 2
    Tomaž ________ lepo hišo.
    • ima
    • imaš
    • imeti
    • imate
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 3
    Živjo Anja! Kako ________?
    • ste
    • boš
    • si
    • sta
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 4
    - ____________ ste? - Iz Ljubljane.
    • Iz kod
    • Kje
    • Kam
    • Od kod
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 5
    __________ prijateljica Lana ima doma mačko in psa.
    • Moje
    • Moja
    • Moj
    • Moji
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 6
    - __________ si stara? - 25 let.
    • Koliko
    • Kaj
    • Zakaj
    • Kdaj
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 7
    Sandra in Jaka ____________ na sprehod v park.
    • grejo
    • gredo
    • gresta
    • greta
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 8
    Otroci _________ slovensko.
    • učijo
    • se učijo
    • naučijo
    • učijo se
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 9
    - _________ je to? - To je moj brat.
    • Gdo
    • Kaj
    • Kdo
    • Kako
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 10
    _________ mesto je zelo veliko.
    • Naš
    • Našo
    • Naše
    • Naša
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 11
    - Čigav telefon je to? - To je ___________ telefon.
    • Simon
    • Simonov
    • Simonovi
    • Simonev
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 12
    - Ali vidiš ___________ dve dekleti? - Ja, vidim ju.
    • tisto
    • tista
    • tisti
    • tiste
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 13
    - Kaj ste po poklicu? - ________________.
    • Mehičanka
    • Teta
    • Učiteljica
    • Portugalec
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 14
    - Kaj je Pierre po narodnosti? - On je _______________.
    • Francos
    • Franzos
    • Francoz
    • Francoski
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 15
    ____________ radi smučamo, ____________ pa plavamo.
    • Pozimi, poleti
    • Pozimi, poletje
    • Zima, poletje
    • Zima, poleti
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 16
    - Ali greva na pijačo? - Žal, trenutno _________ časa.
    • nemam
    • nimam
    • ne imam
    • nima
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 17
    Tanja, Andreja in Dejan ___________ iti v šolo.
    • nočeta
    • nočejo
    • ne hočejo
    • nočemo
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 18
    Sabina _____________ na izlet na Primorsko.
    • je šel
    • je šela
    • je šla
    • je šlo
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 19
    Naslednje leto ____________ šli na potovanje v Avstralijo.
    • bom
    • bomo
    • bo
    • boš
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 20
    Danes je petek, ________________.
    • 5 maj
    • 5. maj
    • maj 5.
    • 5. Maj
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 21
    - Želite? - Jaz bi __________ s smetano in kozarec vode, prosim.
    • kavo
    • kavah
    • kava
    • kavam
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 22
    - Kaj imaš danes za kosilo? - Zelenjavno juho, ______________ in solato.
    • testenin
    • testeninam
    • testenino
    • testenine
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 23
    Jaz ne _________ plavati.
    • znam
    • vem
    • poznam
    • moram
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 24
    - Kdaj ima Marko rojstni dan? - _________________ aprila.
    • Desetima
    • Desetemu
    • Desetim
    • Desetega
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 25
    Gospa Mlakar, ali ________ razumete?
    • mene
    • mi
    • me
    • meni
    Answered 0 out of 28
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  • Question # 26
    _______________ ima Vesna tečaj angleščine.
    • Sredah
    • V sredah
    • Ob sredah
    • Srede
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 27
    Družina Novak razmišlja ________ nakupu novega stanovanja.
    • v
    • proti
    • o
    • na
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 28
    S prijateljem greva na _________________.
    • Ljubljanskemu gradu
    • Ljubljanski grad
    • Ljubljanskem gradu
    • Ljubljanskim gradom
    Answered 0 out of 28
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