Ahmed A.

Arabic language teacher

Jezici koje govori

Russian C1
English B2


1 - Moscow State Linguistic University, Faculty for teaching foreign citizens.
Specialty: Translation - translation studies.
Russian/Arabic/English translator. Bachelor's degree 2012 -2016

2 - Moscow State Linguistic University.
Course "Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language" (РКИ) in the amount of 266 academic hours for 2015-2016. Certificate.

3 - Moscow State Linguistic University.
Master, Theory and Practice of Teaching (Now)

Radno iskustvo

Total experience 10 years. Arabic Teacher as a Foreign Language
1 - 2012-2014: Language center Denis school ( Moscow )
2 - 2013 to present Private teacher of the Arabic language.( online lessons )
3 - 2017 to present Globus international language center ( Moscow )
4 - 2020 to present at QATAR-RUSSIAN CENTER .( Moscow )
5 - 2021 to present Higher School of Economics (Moscow)

Bračni status

Married, raising 3 bilingual children.
