Test your level of ուզբեկերեն

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We suggest you complete the following knowledge test in order to better acquaint yourself with your level in ուզբեկերեն, to choose a course of ուզբեկերեն that is right for you, and to just pass the time.

  • Question # 1
    Uning uchta opasi …
    • Bor
    • Ekan
    • Bo’ldi
    • Yoz
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 2
    – Qahva istaysizmi? -Xa, men …
    • Hohlamayman
    • istamayman
    • hohlayman
    • bo’ladi
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 3
    U futbolni yoqtir…
    • emas
    • maydi
    • ekan
    • ma
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 4
    Iltimos, men bilan hozir gaplashmang. Men uy vazifalarini bajarishga …
    • Harakat
    • Urinish
    • Harakat qilmoqdaman
    • Uddalash
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 5
    Sovuq joyda saqlansin
    • Uy jihozlari
    • Kitob
    • Kiyimlar
    • Oziq ovqat
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 6
    Iltimos, haydovchiga kerakli miqdordagi pulni bering.
    • Taksida
    • Avtobusda
    • Bankda
    • Bekatda
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 7
    – Telefoningiz qayerda? - Men uni o’tgan hafta…
    • Yo’qoldi
    • Yo’qolgan
    • Yo’qotdim
    • Yo’q
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 8
    Muzlatgichda olmalar…
    • Bor
    • Edi
    • Emas
    • Bormas
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 9
    – Maria Klariga qaraganda… – Yo’q, men unday deb o’ylamayman.
    • Ko’proq aql
    • Aqlliroqmi
    • Aqli bor
    • Kam aql
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 10
    Siz u yerda …. yoqtiraiszmi?
    • O’qish
    • Ilm
    • O’rgatish
    • O’qishni
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 11
    Men janob Fergusonning idorasini qidiryap…
    • Da
    • man
    • Moqda
    • San
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 12
    U Ispaniyada yashashni hush ko’radi, …?
    • Ko’rmaydi
    • Hushlamaydi
    • Shundaymi
    • Rosti
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 13
    Uning aytishiga qaraganda, u avval unikiga…
    • Tashrif
    • Tashrif buyurgan
    • Ko’rgan
    • Tashrif amlaga kelmagan
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 14
    – Siz chekasizmi? - Yuq, men chekmayman, ammo avval …
    • Chekmaganman
    • Chekishni istadim
    • Chekaman
    • Chekar edim
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 15
    Men o’tgan yildan beri Apple uchun …
    • Ishlab kelmoqdaman
    • Ishlaganman
    • Ishladim
    • Ishlayman
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 16
    Yangiliklar juda ham qiziqarli …
    • Bo’ldi
    • Ekan
    • Bor
    • Bo’lmas ekan
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 17
    Mirshablar juda g’azablangan …
    • Edik
    • Edilar
    • Bo’ldi
    • Edingiz
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 18
    Menimcha, men kecha….
    • Takliflanish
    • Taklif qilishim kerak edi
    • Taklif berishim kerak edi
    • Taklini berishim kerak
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 19
    Agar siz klubga a’zo bulishni istasangiz, siz ushbu so’rovnomani … kerak
    • Joylashingiz
    • To’ldirishingiz
    • Yozishingiz
    • Uqishingiz
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 20
    Bizning rejamiz ajoyib tarzda …
    • Chiqdi
    • Ko’rindi
    • Amalga oshdi
    • Buzildi
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 21
    Uchoq ahiyri parvozga …
    • Ko’tarildi
    • Tushdi
    • Keldi
    • Haydadi
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 22
    Men bu ko’ylakni … ko’rmoqchiman
    • Uynab
    • Kiyib
    • Yechib
    • Sinab
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 23
    Men ortiq sizning kayfiyatingiz bilan … emasman.
    • Ko’nikmoqchi
    • O’rtoqlashmoqchi
    • moslashmoqchi
    • hisoblashmoqchi
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 24
    Uzoq yillik tadqiqiotlardan so’ng, … ular yechimni topishdi.
    • Nihoyat
    • Ohirida
    • Avvalida
    • Keyin
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 25
    buni qaytarish … bilan, siz uni olib ketishingiz mumkin.
    • Masalasi
    • Imkoniyati
    • Sharti
    • Muddati
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 26
    Siz men bilan bormas…, men ham teatrga bormayman
    • Sharti bilan
    • Niyati bilan
    • Kerak
    • ekansiz
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 27
    Biz kecha qiziqarli film tamosha …
    • Qildik
    • Qilaman
    • Qilamiz
    • Qilaylik
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 28
    Uzun so’zining qarama qarshi ma’nosi … bo’ladi.
    • Katta
    • Qisqa
    • Baland
    • past
    Answered 0 out of 28
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