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We suggest you complete the following knowledge test in order to better acquaint yourself with your level in անգլերեն, to choose a course of անգլերեն that is right for you, and to just pass the time.

  • Question # 1
    … three sisters
    • She has got
    • She is
    • She have
    • She gets
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 2
    - Would you like a cup of coffee? - Yes, I ...
    • like
    • will
    • would
    • do
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 3
    She ... like football
    • don’t
    • doesn’t
    • no
    • not
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 4
    Please, don’t talk to me now. I … to do my homework.
    • try
    • tried
    • am trying
    • have tried
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 5
    Keep in a cold place
    • on furniture
    • on a book
    • on clothes
    • on food
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 6
    Please, give the right money to the driver
    • in a taxi
    • on a bus
    • in a bank
    • in a station
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 7
    - Where is your phone? - I ... it last week.
    • lose
    • have lost
    • lost
    • loosed
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 8
    ... some apples in the fridge.
    • There are
    • There is
    • There aren’t
    • Here are
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 9
    - Is Mary … Clare? No, I don’t think so.
    • more smarter than
    • smarter than
    • smart like
    • so smart as
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 10
    Do you like … there?
    • to studying
    • study
    • studied
    • studying
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 11
    I am looking ... Mr. Ferguson’s office.
    • at
    • for
    • in
    • forward
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 12
    She likes living in Spain, …?
    • do she
    • is she
    • doesn’t she?
    • isn´t she?
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 13
    She told me she ... him before.
    • visited
    • had visited
    • has visited
    • was visiting
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 14
    - Do you smoke? - No, I don’t, but I … .
    • was used to
    • was using to
    • am used to
    • used to
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 15
    I … for Apple since last year.
    • have been working
    • worked
    • has been working
    • had worked
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 16
    The news ... so fascinating!
    • are
    • is
    • will
    • have been
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 17
    The police … really angry.
    • was
    • were
    • has been
    • is going
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 18
    I think I … her yesterday.
    • should invite
    • should have invited
    • would have invited
    • shall have invited
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 19
    If you want to join the club, you have to fill … this form.
    • up
    • out
    • into
    • over
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 20
    Our plan worked … very well!
    • in
    • off
    • out
    • on
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 21
    The plane finally took …
    • off
    • on
    • of
    • out
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 22
    I’d like to … this blouse on.
    • see
    • try
    • buy
    • change
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 23
    I’m not going to put … with your moods anymore!
    • off
    • on
    • to
    • up
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 24
    After many years of research, they found the solution ...
    • at the end
    • in the end
    • by the end
    • on the end
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 25
    You can take it with you … you give it back.
    • as soon as
    • as well es
    • as far as
    • as long as
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 26
    I won’t go to the theatre … you come with me.
    • still
    • otherwise
    • except
    • unless
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 27
    I think I’ve got a cold, I can’t stop … .
    • the sneezing
    • to sneeze
    • sneezing
    • sneeze
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 28
    The financial director ……… for almost an hour.
    • kept us waiting
    • kept us to wait
    • kept us wait
    • kept us to waiting
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)