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We suggest you complete the following knowledge test in order to better acquaint yourself with your level in բոսնիերեն, to choose a course of բոսնիերեն that is right for you, and to just pass the time.

  • Question # 1
    ...zelenu kapu.
    • Admir ima
    • Admir imati
    • Admir je imala
    • Admir je imati
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 2
    Da li bi željela pročitati ovu knjigu? Da, ja...
    • bi željela
    • bih željela
    • ću željet
    • željeti
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 3
    • nevoli
    • ne voli
    • nevoljeti
    • ne voljeti
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 4
    Ja... imala glavobolju.
    • smo
    • sam
    • ste
    • ste
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 5
    Ja volim da jedem...
    • čevapčiče
    • ćevapčiće
    • čevapćiće
    • čevapčiće
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 6
    ... ide u školu.
    • đak
    • džak
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 7
    Nisam još stigla u Sarajevo. Sjedim na željezničkoj stanici i... autobus.
    • čekala
    • čekam
    • čekat ću
    • čekajući
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 8
    Jučer... u školu:
    • otišla
    • ću ići
    • otići
    • sam išla
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 9
    ... lovi ribu.
    • Ribar
    • Drvosječa
    • Lovac
    • Zidar
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 10
    Nekoliko knjiga... na polici.
    • su
    • je
    • sam
    • ste
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 11
    Emina... deset zečeva.
    • imati
    • imaju
    • imati ću
    • ima
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 12
    U jesen... opada s drveća.
    • list
    • listovi
    • lišće
    • cvijeće
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 13
    Mama je kupila kilogram brašna, a tata vreću...
    • brašna
    • brašno
    • brašnova
    • s brašnom
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 14
    Merima je dobra učenica, ali je Amela...učenica od nje.
    • dobrija
    • bolja
    • najbolja
    • najdobrija
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 15
    Adi je...učenik u razredu.
    • visok
    • viši
    • najviši
    • visočiji
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 16
    Svi zadaci su bili jednostavni, ali je drugi bio...
    • najednostavniji
    • najjednostavniji
    • najjači
    • najjasniji
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 17
    Ona je rođena...proljeće.
    • od
    • do
    • u
    • iza
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 18
    Sanja je stigla brzo. Amina je stigla... nego Sanja, a Alma je stigla... .
    • brzo, brže
    • brže, najbrže
    • brzo, najbrže
    • najbrže, brže
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 19
    Danas je... vrijeme.
    • osunčano
    • sunčevito
    • sunčano
    • sunce
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 20
    ... lektiru na vrijeme!
    • Pročitano
    • Pročitaj
    • Pročitati
    • Pročitana
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 21
    Cesta... napravljena slijedeće godine.
    • će biti
    • bila
    • je
    • bivala je
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 22
    On je uvijek bio ... na takmičenju iz matematike.
    • prvi
    • jedan
    • jednom
    • prvog
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 23
    Moj tata je uvijek ... da ide u Ameriku.
    • htjeo
    • htjeti
    • htio
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 24
    ...dobiti jednu kafu?
    • moguli
    • mogu li
    • mogao li
    • moći
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 25
    Ja volim... muziku.
    • slušati
    • gledati
    • dotaknuti
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 26
    Ana je kupila novu haljinu. ...haljina je lijepa.
    • Njegova
    • Njena
    • Moja
    • Tvoja
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 27
    ... volim putovanja.
    • Ja
    • Mi
    • Ti
    • On
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)
  • Question # 28
    Sanja ima lijepe...
    • zubi
    • zube
    • zuba
    • zubima
    Answered 0 out of 28
    Correct answers 0 (0%)