Yahan S.

Chinese language teacher

Języki, którymi się posługuje

- Spanish - B2
- English - B2


- Baoji University Shaanxi, CHINAArt Education, Sep,2011 - July,2015
- University of Pontificia Comillas Madrid“ How to teach students of SpanishChildrentolearning “ Sep,2015 - July,2016
- Goethe School ,Madrid, SPAINStudy german A1.1 - A2.1 Sep,2016- Oct,2017- CharlesIII University of Madrid Madrid, SPAINMaster “ Laboratory of The NewEducation” Oct,2018 - Oct,2019


- Grace School Shaanxi, CHINATaught English to Chinese speakers studentesaged 7- 12 Dec,2013 - Feb, 2015

- European School of Madrid Madrid, SPAINTaught Chinese to Spanish speakers studentesaged 3 -16 Oct,2015 - June, 2016
prepared clases using different ways andpesonal teaching materials

- Chinese Home-teacher Madrid, SPAINTauch chinese to two spanish boys ( oneage4, one age 6 ) Oct,2016 - 2021
using Playing Method teaching andplayingwiththem

- Private Chinese teacher Madrid, SPAINTaught Chinese to three Spanish families students aged 6 - 12 Oct,2016 - 2021
prepared clases depending on thedifferentstudents and using and makingownworkingand teaching material , created all clases materials,quizzes and plays samples

- Language lifes School Online teacher Madrid, SPAIN
Taught chinese to adults Sep,2016 - Present
prepared all the private material dependingonthe need of students

- Unifons Chinese School, Headof teachingdepartment XI’AN,SHAANXI
May,2021 - present
Design all materials of the school andteachChinese online / offline to foreigners fromage4-65s
